
An in-person or video call consultation to support and guide your design decisions and direction. The perfect, affordable solution to address your specific home design challenges and aspirations.

Whether your project is a full renovation or a room in need of a refresh, we can guide you in creating a space that you’ll love living in. The time is yours to use however is most helpful for you. At the end we’ll send over a small pack with recommendations to guide you on your design journey. 

Book using our calendar below:

Some of the areas we can advise on during a session are:

  • Room layouts

  • Colour choices 

  • Window dressing

  • Room styling

  • Retailers or suppliers to consider

  • Second opinion on extension / reconfiguration plans, kitchen or bathroom design

  • General advice on the renovation process 

*in-person consultations delivered within 15 miles of Cambridge or in Dubai (on specific dates). If you wish to have an in-person consultation further afield, we will advise of the travel cost ahead of time. To find out more before booking, send us a message:

  • “Having lived in this flat for about two months now, I'm really happy with how it has turned out, and couldn't thank you enough for all the work you've done!”
    Shilin G.

  • “I can’t thank you enough for providing such a fantastic service. I can’t imagine anyone else responding to the brief so perfectly. My flat is a haven and I’m so proud to show it off to people. I feel extremely lucky to have found your comprehensive, professional, friendly, creative, insightful, skilled interior design service.”
    Beccy T.